Traumatic Brain Injury

With over 5.3 million Americans currently living with a brain-injury related disability, traumatic brain injuries can be serious and life-changing. After experiencing a traumatic brain injury, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the long road to recovery and the financial consequences of the accident. If the injury occurred to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to compensation to help offset the financial burden of the accident. 

At Countryman Injury Law, we will help guide you through every step of the personal injury process, ensuring that you are not left to suffer the financial consequences of someone else’s mistake. To learn more about how an experienced Washington personal injury lawyer can help with your case, consider contacting our Bothell office at (425) 492-5554 today. 

What Are the Common Causes of Brain Injuries in Washington?

Brain injuries typically occur after a person has sustained a hard blow to the head. While falls account for nearly half of all emergency department visits for traumatic brain injuries, these injuries can be caused by a range of accidents, including: 

  • Motor vehicle and motorcycle accidents. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes account for 25% of traumatic brain injury-related hospitalizations. Motorcyclists are also at a high risk of brain injuries, as they are typically more exposed and vulnerable to injury compared to people traveling in cars. Oftentimes, motorcyclists sustain brain injuries after being ejected from their motorcycle and landing hard on the ground. 
  • Pedestrian and bicycle accidents. Pedestrians and bicyclists are also more vulnerable to brain injuries compared to motorists, and many of these accidents occur at night due to distracted or impaired driving. 
  • Construction site accidents. Between heavy equipment, hazardous materials, and working from extreme heights, construction sites are inherently dangerous. Many times, workers or bystanders are struck by a falling object. Alternatively, construction site workers may sustain brain injuries due to falling from scaffolding or a roof. 
  • Slip & fall accidents. Falls are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injury. Slip and fall accidents are common, and experiencing a blow to the head after a fall can have lifelong consequences on a person’s health.

While this list is not comprehensive, it highlights some of the most common causes of brain injuries that our clients have experienced. We understand how to navigate even the most complex brain injury cases and, regardless of how you sustained your injury, our team is here to help. 

Seeking Compensation for a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim

Victims of traumatic brain injury often experience significant setbacks, both personally and financially. Individuals who were injured due to the carelessness or recklessness of another person deserve to be compensated for the losses related to their injury. At Countryman Injury Law, we relentlessly pursue all possible damages for every client that we represent. Through our advocacy and litigation, we have secured compensation for: 

  • Hospital expenses and surgical care
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Medical devices
  • Lost wages 
  • Property damage
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Reduced quality of life

We understand that no amount of compensation can erase the pain and stress of the injury, but a fair settlement can help alleviate the financial pressure on you and your family. To secure the greatest possible compensation, we partner with skilled medical and economic professionals to determine fair compensation amounts and ensure our clients receive the settlement they need – and deserve – to regain control of their lives. 

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Washington?

There is a time limit for filing a personal injury claim in Washington. Section 4.6.080 of the Revised Code of Washington sets forth the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. According to this law, personal injury victims have three years to file a claim from the date of the injury. Unfortunately, the effects of brain injuries can be subtle and unclear at first, leading many people to avoid seeking medical attention immediately after the injury. Waiting too long to file a personal injury claim can impact your ability to secure a settlement for your losses, highlighting the importance of seeking legal assistance as soon as possible. 

Can You File a Personal Injury Claim for Your Traumatic Brain Injury?

Whether or not you can file a personal injury claim for your traumatic brain injury will depend largely on whether the injury was caused by another person’s negligence. Fault is a key element in these cases, and it is necessary to prove a direct link between your brain injury and another person’s or entity’s careless or negligent actions. To prove this connection, your attorney will gather a range of evidence such as medical records, expert opinions, traffic camera footage, and witness testimonies. With the proper evidence and legal strategy, fault can be established, and you may be able to collect compensation.

Our team has established relationships with a respected team who can help fairly value your case. We will prioritize your goals and needs, and fight for a fair settlement to help you navigate the aftermath of your injury. Our approach to personal injury cases is client-centered, meaning our practice begins and ends with you. Above all, our tailored approach and deep knowledge of how to resolve brain injury cases differentiates our law firm from others.

Contact Countryman Injury Law Today

It is important to understand that even seemingly minor accidents can result in life-long injuries. After sustaining a brain injury, your personal life, emotional wellbeing, and financial stability may be impacted, and you may be wondering where to turn for support. By seeking assistance from a Washington personal injury attorney who understands brain injuries, you can increase your chances of obtaining full and fair compensation. 

At Countryman Injury Law, we work closely with victims of traumatic brain injuries to recover compensation. We understand how to effectively uphold your rights and fight back against profit-oriented insurance companies and other legal teams, and our team will build the strongest case to maximize your settlement. To learn more about how we can help, consider scheduling a free consultation with our team at (425) 492-5554 today.